Saturday, June 13, 2015

One Fantastic Week

During the long hours I spend painting, I like to listen to music, books, documentaries or anything interesting. Over the past four or five months, my favorite has been One Fantastic Week. Its a weekly Youtube show hosted by illustrators: Peter Mohrbacher and Sam Flegal usually featuring a guest artist as well. They talk for about an hour each week about day to day art stuff. They tend to focus on the business side of things like conventions and Kickstarter projects etc. but that's certainly not all. What I love about it so much is it's laid back, honest approach to being a professional illustrator. They inadvertently answer a lot of questions and clear up a lot of mysteries about it; and as a little aspiring illustrator, I am incredibly grateful. I've watched (or listened to) every single one of them and I find them all fascinating. I hope they continue the show for a very, very long time. 

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